We enable investors to


  • find companies with practices and products that align with their personal values
  • identify businesses that are proactively creating positive social or environmental change
  • find the companies managing environmental and social risk through future-focused business practices
  • avoid investing in companies with views, practices or products at odds with their principles



Our Research

We identify positive and negative impacts across a range of social, environmental and governance issues.

Our information is gathered from a diverse array of sources to build comprehensive and accurate company profiles.

Find out more





Data analysis and client reporting tools via our online Ethical Screening Portal

Request a Demo



Online tools

Use our online portals to search and filter issues including animal welfare, fossil fuels, human rights, renewable energy, health & wellbeing or sustainable products and services. 

Our solutions

Innovative ESG scoring

Access our unique and innovative ESG scoring system. Analyse companies based on their performance against our comprehensive research methodology which includes environmental, social and governance data.

Our research

Fund rating and assessment 

Analyse UK funds which apply ethical criteria and compare approaches and policies at a glance. Download our ethical questionnaire to gauge a client's preferences and values. Streamline your ethical fund analysis.

Funds Portal






Working with you

With growing numbers of clients requesting responsible investment options, our products are a cost-effective and flexible way to access critical insights and drive your responsible investment offering. 

Our data is supported by key performance indicators and underpinned by detailed narrative explanations of the relevant issues. These insights enable investment managers to understand the activities of companies and communicate these issues to clients. 



Their research is very thorough and accurate. It makes our analysis more efficient and gives our clients assurance that they are invested in companies that fit with their values. 

Peter Michaelis, Liontrust






Fund Managers

We provide detailed and accurate ethical, ESG, and impact research for responsible investment funds within UK, European, and Global portfolios. We can work with existing criteria, and help develop criteria for new offerings.


Charities & Trusts

Since the company was founded, we have been working with charities of all sizes to help create the ethically screened investment strategies and donor partnership that trustees, donors and beneficiaries can support and believe in.


Financial Advisors

We provide the screening tools to enable advisers to identify ethical, ESG and impact driven investment funds that meet their clients’ investment criteria, via our intuitive, accessible, and free-to-use Funds Portal.



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